Corporate Governance

The Board and management of the Company are committed to good corporate governance.

Yancoal adopts an approach to corporate governance based on international good practice as well as meeting Australian and Hong Kong legal requirements.

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Governance Approach

Yancoal is committed to operating legally, honestly and to the highest level of integrity and ethical standards in all business practices.

Yancoal is focused on maintaining and upholding a company culture and a set of company values to underpin its ongoing success and sustainability as a business. Who we are and how we work as Yancoal employees is informed by the ‘Yancoal Way’, which encapsulates our beliefs, values and expected behaviours. The ‘Yancoal Way’ defines our vision and guides Yancoal’s commitment to implementing both our long-term strategy and delivering our daily operational objectives. Our three core beliefs drive our values to deliver, being transparency, compliance and efficiency. Our beliefs are underpinned by our core values which drive our daily behaviour, being people, safety, excellence, innovation and integrity. Our values and beliefs are supported by our Code of Conduct and other key governance polices, which are approved by the Board. The Code of Conduct and other key governance policies can be found below.

Corporate Governance Documents

TitleLinkFile Size
Company Information Sheet2 MB
Code of Conduct5 MB
Constitution510 KB
List of Directors and Their Roles and Functions339 KB
Procedures for Shareholders to Propose Persons for Election as Directors11 KB
TitleLinkFile Size
Yancoal Board Charter342 KB
Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter233 KB
Yancoal Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee Charter163 KB
Yancoal Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter570 KB
Yancoal Strategy and Development Committee Charter106 KB
TitleLinkFile Size
Yancoal Anti-Corruption and Sanctions Policy275 KB
Yancoal Disclosure Policy397 KB
Yancoal Diversity and Inclusion Policy352 KB
Yancoal Share Trading Policy183 KB
Yancoal Shareholder Communications Policy184 KB
Yancoal Modern Slavery Policy617 KB
Yancoal Whistleblower Policy387 KB
Yancoal Privacy Policy149 KB


Audit and Risk Management Committee

Please refer to Yancoal's Audit and Risk Management document for information

Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee

Please refer to Yancoal's Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee Charter for information. 

Nomination and Renumeration Committee

Please refer to Yancoal's Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter for information. 

Strategy and Development Committee

Please refer to Yancoal's Strategy and Development Committee Charter for information. 

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