Mount Thorley Warkworth

Mount Thorley Warkworth (MTW) is an integrated operation of two open cut mines located adjacent to each other, 15 kilometres south-west of Singleton in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales.

Both the Mount Thorley and Warkworth mines have been in operation since 1981.

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About Mount Thorley Warkworth (MTW)

Operating 24 hours a day, MTW is an integrated operation consisting of the open cut coal mining operations of Mount Thorley Operations and Warkworth Mine. Other mining related infrastructure includes coal handling and processing and coal transport facilities.

Since coal extraction began in 1981, MTW has been a major contributor to Australia’s coal export industry providing coal resource to the international coal market. Mining operations at MTW are approved until 15 February 2037 and are carried out in accordance with Development Consents SSD-6465 (Mount Thorley) and SSD-6464 (Warkworth) as modified.

MTW is operated by Coal & Allied (NSW) Pty Ltd (a wholly owned subsidiary of Yancoal Australia Ltd) on behalf of the MTW Joint Venture which includes the following partners:

Mount Thorley:

  • Yancoal Australia Ltd (80 per cent); and
  • POSCO Australia Pty Ltd (20 per cent).


  • CNA Warkworth Australasia Pty Ltd (55.72 per cent);
  • CNA Resources Ltd (28.75 per cent);
  • Nippon Steel Australia Pty Ltd (9.53 per cent); and
  • Mitsubishi Materials (Australia) Pty Ltd (6 per cent).

General Manager

Cris Shadbolt


Discover our community

MTW has had a long and proud history of being an active community member in the Singleton area. By creating employment and training opportunities and relying on local contractors and service providers, MTW is a major economic contributor to the region.

Since 2018, MTW’s Community Support Program has distributed nearly $700,000 in community grants and sponsorships, which has helped local initiatives across a range of areas including education, environment, health and safety, the arts, sport and research.

Further information regarding the Community Support Program and Application Guidelines is provided below.

Community Support Program Guidelines


Blasting Information

MTW proposed Blasting Schedule and Road Closures can be found here.

To receive daily updates for blasting-related road closures you can subscribed to via SMS by sending “Subscribe” to 0438 100 840.

Scheduled blasting times – please contact the MTW Blasting Information Hotline on 1800 099 669.

For general enquiries regarding Blast events or other operational activities, please contact the MTW General Enquires line on – 1800 727 745.

To register a Community Complaint regarding a Blast event, please contact the MTW Community Complaints Hotline on – 1800 656 892.

Operational Environmental Monitoring

MTW manages and maintains an extensive Environmental Monitoring program for its operations. The program includes monitoring of a range of environmental aspects including noise, air quality, blasting, surface water, and groundwater.

MTW operates several Real Time Environmental Monitoring stations to continuously monitor air quality and noise aspects. MTW employs Community Response Officers (CROs) who routinely undertake visual inspections of MTW’s operations, from both inside and outside operational boundaries. CRO’s validate real-time air quality and noise alarms. They attend to community concerns regarding operational activities and undertake attended noise monitoring as required to validate and advise operational staff to mitigate potential off-site impacts.

To access the location of MTW’s noise and air quality monitoring stations and view operational response measures implemented by MTW, please visit MTW’s environmental monitoring website (Insite)

Community Consultative Committee

A Community Consultative Committee (CCC) has been established in accordance with the SSD-6464SSD-6465 and operates generally in accordance with the NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure  (DPHI) Community Consultative Committee Guidelines for State Significant Projects (June 2023).

The MTW CCC generally meets four times per year and is an important forum for open discussion between the community, local government stakeholders and MTW mine representatives. The CCC has an Independent Chairperson endorsed by DPHI who receives a professional fee from MTW.

Please find meeting minutes here.

Complaints Register

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Fact Sheet Information

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Contact us

We’re here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. 


General Community Information Hotline

Community Complaints Hotline

Blasting Information Hotline

Registered Office

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