Moolarben Coal

The Moolarben Coal Complex is located approximately 40 kilometres north of Mudgee in Western Coalfields of New South Wales (NSW)

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About Moolarben Coal

Operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Moolarben comprises both open-cut and underground mining areas, as well as other mining-related infrastructure, such as a coal processing and transport facilities. Moolarben coal is exported to a range of international markets.

Moolarben Coal Operations Pty Ltd (MCO) is the operator of the Moolarben Coal Complex on behalf of the Moolarben Joint Venture (Moolarben Coal Mines Pty Ltd, Yancoal Moolarben Pty Ltd and a consortium of Korean power companies). MCO, Moolarben Coal Mines Pty Ltd and Yancoal Moolarben are wholly owned subsidiaries of Yancoal Australia Limited.

General Manager

Brian Wesley


Moolarben is committed to actively supporting the community throughout the Mid-Western Regional Council district. By creating employment and training opportunities and relying on local contractors and services providers,we are a major economic contributor to the region.

Since 2010, Moolarben’s Community Support Program has distributed over $1 million in community grants and sponsorships. Through the program, Moolarben has helped local initiatives across a range of areas, including education, environment, health and safety, the arts, sport and research.

For more information on the Moolarben Coal Operations Community Support Program, please see the Funding Guidelines.

Please note: Applications are currently Closed.
Applications for 2025 open 1 September 2025.

To register for the Community Support Program, click here.

Blasting Information

No Blast Today

Scheduled blast














Affects Underground


Scheduled blast














Affects Underground


Community Consultative Committee

Minutes from CCC meetings held prior to 2013 can be requested by using the Contact Us form. For other minutes and member details, click here

Moolarben Extension Projects

This section provides information on the proposed Projects and will be regularly updated as the Projects move through approval processes.

Moolarben will also prepare regular newsletters to provide updated information on the Projects. A copy of the most recent newsletter can be downloaded here Moolarben Factsheet and Newsletter December 2024.

A copy of previous newsletters can be downloaded below:


Project Scope

In the first newsletter for the ‘Moolarben Coal Complex Open Cut Extension Project’ published in June 2021, Moolarben advised it was investigating opportunities to extend open cut operations to the south of OC3 and east of OC4. Following further consideration, Moolarben has decided to focus on the OC3 extension area. Potential extensions to OC4 are still being investigated and more information on that project will be shared in future newsletters and on this site.

Proposed OC3 Extension Project

The Project proposes to extend open cut operations immediately south of the approved OC3 open cut pit as well as develop four new open cut pits to the east and south-east of the approved OC3 mining area, within existing mining tenements. The Project would provide approximately 10 years of mining (from 2025 to 2034), maximise use of the existing mining fleet and maintain steady production of run-of-mine (ROM) coal at the Moolarben Coal Complex. Post-completion of mining within the approved OC3 mining area the Project would be integrated with the existing Moolarben Coal Complex and would not change the approved duration or intensity of mining at the Complex.

Current Status: Assessment 

An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the OC3 Extension Project was lodged with the NSW Dept. of Planning on 10 November 2022. The EIS was placed on public exhibition from 17 November to 14 December 2022. During this period, government agencies, organisations and members of the public were invited to provide submissions on the EIS.

In response to submissions received on the EIS, MCO has amended the Project to reduce the indicative surface disturbance extent and incorporate additional avoidance and minimisation measures relative to the EIS.

An Amendment Report has been prepared by Moolarben to describe the proposed amended Project and additional avoidance and minimisation measures. Moolarben has also prepared a Submissions Report which directly addresses matters raised in the government, organisation and public submissions on the Project EIS.

The Amendment and Submissions Reports for the Project can be viewed on the Dept. of Planning’s website using the following link Alternatively, you can also find the Project by searching for “Moolarben OC3 Extension Project” or “SSD-33083358” on the Planning Portal homepage.  

Project Updates

Project updates will continue to be made available through this webpage and community newsletters.


For further information on the proposed Projects, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Environmental Data

The below information is supplied by Weatherzone and based on data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. It shows a 7 day weather forecast for Gulgong, situated 25 kilometres from the Moolarben Coal Complex.

Information supplied by Weatherzone based on data from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology

Air Quality (PM10)1
Site IDAverage Reading for 24 hour period 18 March 2025
TEOM 615.2 µg/m³
TEOM 10 µg/m³
TEOM 40 µg/m³
TEOM 70 µg/m³
1: particle matter, 10 micron or less in size

Fact Sheet Information

191 KB
Blasting and the NSW Minerals Industry Fact Sheet

Contact us

We’re here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.


Environment and Community Complaints Line:

Open Cut Extension Projects Enquiry Line:


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